Chicago Based Copy Writer



Other things I do unrelated to work… kinda.

In 2021 I entered my first manic and psychotic episode and let’s just say things got a little interesting. After I came out I was left with shame, shock and embarrassment. In order to cope I went to Tik Tok to tell my story. Since then I’ve gained 20K+ followers, over 1.5 million views, a community of supporters and learned the only way to end the stigma is to speak the stigma.

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Screenshots and Love Notes

A short book of screenshots because if a picture is worth 1000 words, then pictures of words are worth the entire story.

Ad Club: The College Glory Days

AAF Ad club went from 2 nervous freshmen who wanted to get agency experience to leading one of Columbia College’s most successful interdisciplinary clubs.

Columbia’s Quidditch team came to us with a problem: Nobody took the Quidditch team seriously as a sport. So we made a campaign to show the school Quidditch is not a game, it’s a sport.

Role: President and Copywriter

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